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Asheville hand to shoulder surgeons

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Carolina Hand and Sports Medicine

Bicep Tendon Injuries

Bicep Injuries Are Common But Highly Treatable The bicep is among the most recognizable muscles of the arm – they’re your “guns.” It’s the muscle at the front of the upper arm. Most people use their biceps a lot every…
Carolina Hand and Sports Medicine

Metacarpal Fracture

The metacarpal is the name given to any of five bones in the hand. For athletes, a common hand injury is a metacarpal fracture or broken hand. Hand injuries occur for various reasons. Common Causes of Hand Fractures in AthletesOne…
Carolina Hand and Sports Medicine

Collarbone Fractures

Breaking The Collarbone Summer is a great time for children and adults to be active. That is why sports injuries are common during the summer. The clavicle, which is also known as the collarbone, is one of the bones that…

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